Board of Directors
Food AND Medicine has an all-volunteer 15 person Board of Directors. Board Members are elected by our members at the Annual Meeting, serve three-year terms, with no term limits. Our Board Members all play an active role in our programs and events.
Erin Oberson, President, of Old Town, is a Registered Nurse at Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center, and steward in Maine State Nurses Association (NNU). She is also Vice President of Eastern Maine Labor Council, and is active in issues around worker rights. Erin and her husband have four children. She was elected to the Board in 2019; the Board elected her Vice President in 2020 and President in 2021.
Dr. Kate Corlew, Vice President, of Hampden, is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at University of Maine, Augusta. Kati manages a community garden on campus and has organized an on-campus food pantry for students, and is the faculty coordinator for the university’s Office of Civic Engagement. She was elected to the Board in 2017, and the Board elected her President in 2020; Kati served as Secretary in 2021-2022. Kati has been Vice President of the board since 2023.
Marc Cryer, Treasurer & Steering Committee, of Glenburn is the Director of the Bureau of Labor Education at the University of Maine, a department dedicated to providing education, information, and research to workers and labor organizations in Maine. He is a California licensed attorney with a background in public sector labor relations, collective bargaining, and workplace conflict resolution. Marc has been involved with FAM for several years and often speaks about labor issues at FAM events and was elected to the Board in 2018.
Molly Slotznick, Steering Committee, of Bangor, supports Food AND Medicine’s work to strengthen its organizational structures and processes. Molly works in the Office of MaineCare Services at the Maine Department of Health and Human Services; she has also worked in the areas of food and nutrition insecurity, climate resilience, and international development. Molly joined the Board in 2019; she is a past board VP.
Brian Markey, of Kenduskeag, works for Maine Department of Transportation and is an active member of Maine Service Employees Association, SEIU local 1989. He's a Trustee of the Eastern Maine Labor Council, and has volunteered with Solidarity Harvest for several years. Brian joined the Board in January 2022.
Maulian Dana Bryant, is the Executive Director of Wabanaki Alliance, and formerly the Penobscot Nation Tribal Ambassador. She has spoken at several FAM events on issues facing Maine's Indigenous people, including Tribal Sovereignty. She was elected to the Board in January 2023. A more detailed Bio coming soon.
Chuck Fraser, of Newburgh, is a longtime FAM Member, and has participated in Solidarity Harvest and the Eastern Maine Labor Council in his role as former president and business agent with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 1253. Chuck is now enjoying retirement from the IBEW. He was elected to the board in 2024.